Aladin release 5 announcement

Pierre Fernique fernique at
Thu Feb 21 07:23:10 PST 2008

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce Aladin release 5:

=> A quick overview:

It integrates the following new developments:

* Swing Look&Feel: Swing GUI instead of AWT meaning a menu bar,
   more powerful tables, widgets, ...
* Huge images: No RAM limit => ex: 64000x64000 pixels loaded in 35s
* Match scales and orientation: Automatical scale and orientation
   adjustement for easy comparison between images
* Image transparency: Image overlay support by transparency
* FoV: More instrument FoVs (WIRCAM, ESPADON, full HST, INT, FORS1 &
   FORS2, ISAAC, VIMOS,...), remotely updated, displayable by
   transparency, user addition support (XML file)...
* VO tool integration: flexible VO tool controller for installing and
   running collaborative VO tools supporting PLASTIC
* SSAP 1.0 support
* Source measurement table: more powerful table (tags, sort, column
   management, search...)
* Pixel control: Colormap controler improvements (faster, more
* Pixel computation: Image pixel computation support (+,-,*,/,norm,conv)
* Script extension: Plane name used as a variable
   (ex: foo = ESO - STScI), set command extensions, ...
* Translation: Russian translation (N.Samus), traditional Chinese
   translation (Chi-Hung Yan)

Thomas Boch, François Bonnarel
and Pierre Fernique

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