IVOA InterOp dates

Alasdair Gray agray at dcs.gla.ac.uk
Fri Aug 22 03:27:26 PDT 2008

Dear Roz

I'm hoping that you will be able to clear up some confusion that I  
have from looking at the various web pages to do with the IVOA InterOp  
in October.

The meeting web site
has the dates of the meeting as 27 - 31 October, while the meeting  
wiki page
has the dates of the meeting as 26 -31 October.

Additionally, could you give an indication as to the expected  
finishing time on the 31 October?



Dr Alasdair J G Gray
Research Associate
Computing Science Department
University of Glasgow
Tel: (0141) 330 6292
agray at dcs.gla.ac.uk

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

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