Spectrum Data Model RFC for PR

Jonathan McDowell jcm at head.cfa.harvard.edu
Tue May 15 17:11:55 PDT 2007

Dear IVOA,

 At this week's Interop we agreed that the Spectrum Data Model is ready
for the Proposed Recommendation process. This four week process begins
today and will end June 12. Please review the document at 
http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/SpectrumDM.html and put your
comments on the RFC page at

Note that the Spectrum Data Model provides a standard for single
spectra. It will form the basis for further standards planned in the
near future for Photometry, Spectral Energy Distributions, and Spectral
Associations (e.g. multiple echelle pieces).

   Jonathan McDowell
   DM chair

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