RFC initiated for VOSpace 1.0

Matthew Graham mjg at cacr.caltech.edu
Mon Jul 23 11:11:38 PDT 2007


The Grid and Web Services Working Group is pleased to announce that the 
VOSpace 1.0 service specification is now an IVOA Proposed Recommendation 
and that the Request For Comments (RFC) period has been initiated today 
(July 23), with the goal of advancing the document to an IVOA 
Recommendation. The RFC period will run for 4 weeks until Monday August 

The document describes the SOAP-based interface to data stores. VOSpace 
1.0 relates to flat, unconnected data spaces.

Please review the document, and add any comments to the RFC page at


More extensive discussions should be directed to the VOSpace mailing 
list (vospace at ivoa.net). The most recent version of the specification 
can be found at


Please submit any comments by 20 August 2007. Thanks in advance for your 


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