EU Consultation on e-Science Digital Repositories

Petr Kubanek petr at
Thu Jul 19 06:29:02 PDT 2007

What about removing trailing "."?

That's how EC handles URLs:(.

Petr Kubanek

Peter Bunclark napsal(a):
> That URL returns:
> PM is not able to treat your request for one of the following reasons:
>     *
>       You specified a wrong parameter in the URL.
>     *
>       You didn't enter a correct login/password.
>     *
>       Your privileges didn't allow you to perform the request.
> You should verify the content of the parameters you specified or contact
> the manager of the survey.
> You can also try again without parameters. IPM will propose you a list of
> active surveys available for encoding or analysis.
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007, Bob Mann wrote:
>>  	Hi folks,
>>  	As described in the message below, the European Commission is
>> currently undertaking a study of digital repositories used in research
>> and teaching, with a view to informing future policy and funding in that
>> area. Whilst the benefit of this would be most directly felt within the
>> EU, the consultation process is open to interested parties worldwide, so
>> I would encourage everyone to consider taking the 15 minutes or so
>> needed to complete the online questionnaire available at the URL given
>> below. Most of the questions are pretty predictable, but the issues are
>> so crucial to the development of the VO that it would be very good for
>> a strong message to come from our community.
>>  	Many thanks.
>>  	Bob Mann
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> apologies for any cross-posting
>> Dear Sir, Dear Madam,
>> May I invite you, as key stakeholders, to contribute to the development of a
>> knowledge society and digital infrastructure in Europe, by taking part in the
>> Commission's online public consultation on e-Science Digital Repositories
>> which is available at
>> This consultation forms a key part of the e-SciDR study funded by the
>> Commission into repositories holding digital data and publications for use in
>> the sciences (in the widest sense encompassing disciplines from the humanities
>> and social sciences to the life sciences).
>> Your answers will help identify needs, priorities and opportunities which the
>> European Union, through the Commission, can help address and drive forward in
>> the FP7 Capacity Programme and will provide an important input to developing
>> future policy initiatives.
>> I would be grateful if you could respond to the consultation by no later than
>> 30 July 2007.
>> All answers will be strictly confidential and anonymised.
>> If you would like to receive a summary of the consultation results, please tick
>> the corresponding box on the questionnaire.
>> Best regards,
>> Mário Campolargo
>> Head of Unit GÉANT & e-Infrastructure

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