NVO Summer School Application Deadline - JUNE 5

Sarah Emery Bunn sarah at cacr.caltech.edu
Tue May 30 08:48:41 PDT 2006

*** NVOSS Application Deadline is MONDAY JUNE 5! ***

6-14 September 2006
Aspen Meadows Resort, Aspen, Colorado

In this week-long, hands-on summer school, astronomers and software
developers will work with experienced NVO users and software specialists
to become familiar with the data discovery, data access, and high
performance computing capabilities of the Virtual Observatory.
Participants will be introduced to VO analysis tools and utilities and
have the opportunity to become proficient users with the guidance of the
faculty.  In the latter part of the summer school, small teams will
pursue their own VO-enabled research projects by applying VO tools
and/or developing their own applications.

Participation is open to anyone interested in learning how to use the VO
for astronomical research, to develop VO-aware tools, or make
astronomical data collections available to VO users.  We especially
encourage advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and post-doctoral
fellows to apply. Programming experience will be helpful but is not
required, and participants will be required to bring an internet-capable
laptop. The summer school begins with a two-day introduction to the
basic technologies used in the Virtual Observatory.

Space and budgetary constraints limit participation to 40 people.
Applications will be reviewed by the organizing committee and
participants will be informed by July 1 of their acceptance to the
Summer School. Application instructions are posted at:


The NVO Summer School is made possible through the support of the
National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space


Questions about the summer school should be directed to
summer-school at us-vo.org.

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