hidden markup in twiki pages

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon May 15 07:00:58 PDT 2006

On May 15, 2006, at 6:37 AM, Tony Linde wrote:

> And, if possible, notify the IVOA doc coord (Bruni Rino) so he can  
> delete the user who added it.

You might want to verify first that such "content" was intentionally  
added.  Would not be surprised to find that various editors and other  
commercial web tools would consider this a desirable feature, not an  
outrageous attempt to sully the purity of the inviolate internet  

The truly interesting such attempts at manipulation will be specific  
to IVOA technologies, such as described in the recent Dolensky and  
Rino note.  A certain level of background "noise" is inevitable (and  
perhaps desirable) in any successful real world system.


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