VOEvent sessions at Victoria

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Thu May 11 14:10:46 PDT 2006

Would you like to join the exciting field of transient astronomy?
Do you have an event stream or a robotic telescope?
Do you have expertise in messaging protocols?
If so, please come!

The agenda for the VOEvent sessions will be:

Monday 15 May 14:00
     * 20 min: Roy Williams: What is VOEvent, what are the schema  
     * 10 min: discussion: Who has events and who has a robotic  
     * Building a real network: Instant Messaging for Astronomy
           o 15 min: Alasdair Allen: TCP Vanilla
           o 15 min: Matthew Graham: Jabber/XMPP
           o 15 min: Phil Warner: Java Messaging and Mule
           o 15 min: discussion

Thursday 18 May 16:00
     * 20 min: Andrea Preite-Martinez: What caused that event: A  
proposed IVOA vocabulary for Objects and Processes
     * 10 min: Discussion
     * 15 min: Matthew Graham: Progress in VOEventNet
     * 15 min: Alastair Allen: Progress in eStar
     * 30 min: Open discussion: How to register Publisher and  
Repository with the VO


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