Aladin release 3.5 announcement

Tony Linde Tony.Linde at
Fri Jan 27 03:40:39 PST 2006

This is something the exec is considering now. Some think that the lists
should be changed back so that reply only goes to the originator and
reply-all goes to the originator, list and everyone else in the to/cc fields
so as to avoid this sort of problem; others think that the lists should be
left as they are to avoid the annoyance of participators in a thread getting
every message twice.

I believe Bob Hanisch will be creating a poll on the wiki to solicit
people's views.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-interop at [mailto:owner-interop at] On 
> Behalf Of Sebastien Derriere
> Sent: 27 January 2006 09:20
> To: interop at
> Subject: Re: Aladin release 3.5 announcement
> > Rudi Albrecht wrote:
> > 
> > Dear Jerome,
> > 
> > With all due respect for French as an important language: please 
> > refrain from posting messages to interop at in 
> languages other 
> > than English.
>   Sehr geehrte Rudi,
>   I think that it was not Jerome's intention to post a 
> message in french to the interop mailing list. He was 
> probably willing to send this message as a private reply to 
> Pierre, but was fooled by the Reply-to: field that Pierre had 
> set to interop at
>   He's not the first to do this mistake... and I would bet 
> not the last one to do so.
>   Best regards,
> Sebastien.
> -- 
>     _______
>    /  ~   /, Sebastien Derriere   mailto:derriere at
>   / ~~~~ //  Observatoire de Strasbourg    Phone +33 (0) 390 242 444
>  /______//   11, rue de l'universite     Telefax +33 (0) 390 242 417
> (______(/    F-67000 Strasbourg  France

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