Email configuration

Masatoshi OHISHI masatoshi.ohishi at
Fri Feb 17 04:23:45 PST 2006

Dear All,

The other day Bob Hanisch made a poll if you are happy with the current
configuration of the IVOA email lists, and many people joined the poll.
The exec committee made discussion via email, and made a decision to
change the configuration by adopting the option (2):

Option 2:  I prefer having the IVOA e-mail lists configured so that a reply goes
only to the sender, and "reply-all" is required to respond to the list.

ESO is now changing the configuration, and you will soon find the 
configuration has been changed.

Finally I would like to express my appreciation to those who joined 
the poll. All of your opinions
were so important.

Enjoy the new world !!

     Masatoshi Ohishi, chair of the IVOA

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