Fwd: Announcement on financial support for the Kyoto meeting

Masatoshi OHISHI masatoshi.ohishi at nao.ac.jp
Thu Mar 17 19:19:06 PST 2005

This is a reminder for those who need financial support to participate to
the Kyoto meeting. The deadline is so close -- TODAY !!

    Masatoshi Ohishi

 >Dear IVOA members,
 >Next interoperability workshop will be held in Kyoto, Japan, between
 >May 16 to 20. Because Japan is located in the far east, it is expected
 >for some people to cost a lot to travel from/to and stay in Japan.
 >The IVOA executive committee discussed possible financial support
 >for those people who face financial problems to travel to Japan.
 >However the IVOA exec could not figure out how many people need
 >such support. Thus we would like the potential attendee to the Kyoto
 >meeting to send request for financial support to the chair (al at roe.ac.uk)
 >and the deputy chair (masatoshi.ohishi at nao.ac.jp) of the IVOA before
 >March 18 (Fri).
 >After we summarize the requests, we will determine how much support
 >we will be able to provide those people. We will try to return the results
 >to the applicants by March 31.
 >Please note that budget for the support is quite limited.
 >With best regards,
 >      Andy Lawrence and Masatoshi Ohishi

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