[astro-rg] Astro-RG meeting at GGF13 (Seoul): Confirmed Mar 15 2005 @ 15.00

naw at ast.cam.ac.uk naw at ast.cam.ac.uk
Fri Mar 11 06:06:11 PST 2005

Dear All,

A reminder that the next Astro-RG session is next Tues, 15 March 2005, 
15.00-16.30 at GGF13 in Seoul. For those of you attending the meeting the 
location is the Crystal Ballroom 3.

Meeting presentations and materials can be found linked from 

whilst minutes of previous astro-rg sessions are available at 

Look forward to seeing you in Seoul.

Yours, Nic Walton

Dr N. A. Walton 
(AstroGrid Project Scientist	       http://www.astrogrid.org) 
(Euro-VO VOTC Project Scientist	       http://www.euro-vo.org)
Institute of Astronomy          Tel:   +44 1223 337503
University of Cambridge         Fax:   +44 1223 337523
Madingley Road                  WWW:   http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~naw
Cambridge, CB3 0HA              email: naw at ast.cam.ac.uk

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