
Reagan Moore moore at
Wed Jan 19 15:17:54 PST 2005

The image archives that are replicated onto the NSF Teragrid are 
treated as proprietary data, with access controls specified for each 
image.  Authentication is done through either Grid Security 
Infrastructure certificates or challenge-response mechanisms.  The 
Generic Security Service API is used to manage interactions with 
local authentication environments.

In practice, write access is always restricted to the owner of the 
images, or to persons who are given explicit write access.  Read 
access may be restricted to defined groups or individuals, or may be 
set for public access at the discretion of the data owner.  Access 
controls for adding new metadata attributes or changing metadata 
values are also supported for each metadata value.

Data grid technology provides the above capabilities for managing 
data distributed across multiple administrative domains.

Reagan Moore

>>I think it is more important at this stage to concentrate on a few more
>>issues such as:
>>Possibly Authorisation as well.
>There is a possible science case that would require authentication / 
>authorization for propietary datasets. Silvia Dalla and I talked to 
>some of the STP guys at RAL today, and Sarah James has some ideas 
>involving the ground-based EISCAT data, part of which is propietary. 
>I know that most (all?) of the NASA datasets are public, but do 
>other members of IVOA have propietary datasets they'd like to work 
>into workflows?

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