Announcement on financial support for the Kyoto meeting

Masatoshi OHISHI masatoshi.ohishi at
Tue Feb 22 04:49:40 PST 2005

Dear IVOA members,

Next interoperability workshop will be held in Kyoto, Japan, between
May 16 to 20. Because Japan is located in the far east, it is expected
for some people to cost a lot to travel from/to and stay in Japan.

The IVOA executive committee discussed possible financial support
for those people who face financial problems to travel to Japan.

However the IVOA exec could not figure out how many people need
such support. Thus we would like the potential attendee to the Kyoto
meeting to send request for financial support to the chair (al at
and the deputy chair (masatoshi.ohishi at of the IVOA before
March 18 (Fri).

After we summarize the requests, we will determine how much support
we will be able to provide those people. We will try to return the results
to the applicants by March 31.

Please note that budget for the support is quite limited.

With best regards,

      Andy Lawrence and Masatoshi Ohishi

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