New workgroup BOFs in Kyoto

Tony Linde ael at
Tue Feb 22 01:16:50 PST 2005

I think the earlier discussion was against the idea of creating a new
workgroup for Workflow as inappropriate (at this time).

I would like to propose that BOFs be held in Kyoto for two new workgroups:

  - Security

  - VOSpace

The Security workgroup would focus on the issues of authentication to the
VObs, authorisation to perform actions, access rights to resources and how
they might be coded and stored, and how authority is encoded and transmitted
from one service to another.

The VOSpace workgroup would be charged with identifying what VOSpace
encompasses, interface requirements for reading, writing and modifying
items, how VOSpace items are identified, how storage areas notify access,
quota and persistence rights, how group 'registries' are replicated.

In both cases the BOF might have presentations from people with ideas about
these different issues, but the main goal of each BOF itself would be to
formulate a proposal to the exec for the formation of the workgroup, its
charter and an initial list of members.

Each BOF need occupy only one session - or might be scheduled for a 2 hour
get-together after the main business of a day finishes if the session agenda
is too crowded (might be preferable since it would be useful to have most of
the workgroup leaders at these BOFs to identify cross-group issues).


Tony Linde
Phone:  +44 (0)116 223 1292    Mobile: +44 (0)7753 603356
Fax:    +44 (0)116 252 3311    Email:  Tony.Linde at
Post:   Department of Physics & Astronomy,
        University of Leicester
        Leicester, UK   LE1 7RH
Project Manager, EuroVO VOTech 
Programme Manager, AstroGrid 
 Leicester e-Science Centre 

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