NVO Summer School II

Pepi Fabbiano pepi at head.cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Apr 18 13:54:12 PDT 2005

Some of you have probably seen this remark, but i'd like to point out that the 
composite Cen A image was created by Margarita Karovska at cfa, as part of 
work in which I was one of the collaborators. It has become an icon, but 
Margarita should get the deserved credit!.
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Reply-To: Pepi Fabbiano <pepi at head.cfa.harvard.edu>


> I'd like to bring to your attention this information about the second NVO
> Summer School.  Please feel free to forward this to anyone who might be
> interested in participating.
> I also note that there is a poster at
> http://us-vo.org/summer-school/2005/nvo_2005_poster.pdf.  It would be
> terrific if you would print this out and display it.  And thanks to our GAVO
> friends for the beautiful Cen A composite image!
> Thanks,
> Bob
> - - - - -
> Science with the Vitual Observatory - NVO Summer School
> Aspen Meadows Resort
> Aspen, Colorado
> 6-15 September, 2005
> Important Dates:
> - April 15: Application Website begins accepting submissions
> - June 15: Deadline for applications.
> - July 1: Applicants informed of acceptance.
> - August 1: Registration Fee Due
> Overview:
> In this eight day, hands-on, summer school, participants will work with
> experienced NVO scientists and software developers to learn how to do
> astrophysics with the Virtual Observatory.  Participants will use the
> data discovery, data access and high-performance computing capabilities
> of the Virtual Observatory along with VO analysis tools and utilities.
> Everyone will have hands-on experience using VO tools and services in a
> series of exercises culminating in a major project.
> We encourage applications from anyone interested in using the Virtual
> Observatory in their research, or in providing new VO services or tools
> to the community. We especially encourage advanced undergraduates,
> graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows to apply. Programming
> experience in environments such as Java, C++, C#, Python, or Perl will
> prove helpful, but is not required. The first two days are an
> introduction to assist participants who might want some additional
> background in programming environments and technologies used in the
> Virtual Observatory.
> Space and budgetary constraints limit participation to 40 people.
> Applications will be reviewed by the organizing committee and
> participants will be informed of their acceptance to the Summer School
> by July 1. Additional information including application instructions are
> posted at www.us-vo.org/summer-school/2005.
> Fees & Financial Assistance:
> The Summer School registration fee is $500, which covers lodging and
> most lunches. In cases of documented need, financial assistance will be
> available in several forms:  a waiver of the registration fee,
> reimbursement of transportation expenses up to $400, and a per diem
> allowance of $25 for dinners and miscellaneous expenses. Applications
> for financial support will be reviewed by the organizing committee.
> Faculty & Organizing Committee:
> Thomas McGlynn, NASA GSFC
> Dave De Young, NOAO
> Michael Fitzpatrick, NOAO
> Matthew Graham, Caltech
> Gretchen Greene, STScI
> Robert Hanisch, STScI
> Simon Krughoff, University of Pittsburgh
> Shui Kwok, Keck Observatory
> Chris Miller, NOAO
> Maria Nieto-Santisteban, Johns Hopkins University
> Ray Plante, University of Illinois
> Doug Tody, NRAO
> Roy Williams, Caltech
> Additional Information:
> Additional information about the summer school site, local information
> about Aspen, and a more detailed program, will appear on this site.
> Questions about the summer school program or logistical matters should
> be directed to summer-school at us-vo.org.
> The NVO Summer School is made possible through the support of the
> National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space
> Administration.

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