NVO Summer School II

Robert Hanisch hanisch at stsci.edu
Mon Apr 18 10:31:58 PDT 2005

I'd like to bring to your attention this information about the second NVO
Summer School.  Please feel free to forward this to anyone who might be
interested in participating.

I also note that there is a poster at
http://us-vo.org/summer-school/2005/nvo_2005_poster.pdf.  It would be
terrific if you would print this out and display it.  And thanks to our GAVO
friends for the beautiful Cen A composite image!


- - - - -

Science with the Vitual Observatory - NVO Summer School

Aspen Meadows Resort
Aspen, Colorado
6-15 September, 2005

Important Dates:
- April 15: Application Website begins accepting submissions
- June 15: Deadline for applications.
- July 1: Applicants informed of acceptance.
- August 1: Registration Fee Due


In this eight day, hands-on, summer school, participants will work with
experienced NVO scientists and software developers to learn how to do
astrophysics with the Virtual Observatory.  Participants will use the
data discovery, data access and high-performance computing capabilities
of the Virtual Observatory along with VO analysis tools and utilities.
Everyone will have hands-on experience using VO tools and services in a
series of exercises culminating in a major project.

We encourage applications from anyone interested in using the Virtual
Observatory in their research, or in providing new VO services or tools
to the community. We especially encourage advanced undergraduates,
graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows to apply. Programming
experience in environments such as Java, C++, C#, Python, or Perl will
prove helpful, but is not required. The first two days are an
introduction to assist participants who might want some additional
background in programming environments and technologies used in the
Virtual Observatory.

Space and budgetary constraints limit participation to 40 people.
Applications will be reviewed by the organizing committee and
participants will be informed of their acceptance to the Summer School
by July 1. Additional information including application instructions are
posted at www.us-vo.org/summer-school/2005.

Fees & Financial Assistance:

The Summer School registration fee is $500, which covers lodging and
most lunches. In cases of documented need, financial assistance will be
available in several forms:  a waiver of the registration fee,
reimbursement of transportation expenses up to $400, and a per diem
allowance of $25 for dinners and miscellaneous expenses. Applications
for financial support will be reviewed by the organizing committee.

Faculty & Organizing Committee:

Thomas McGlynn, NASA GSFC
Dave De Young, NOAO
Michael Fitzpatrick, NOAO
Matthew Graham, Caltech
Gretchen Greene, STScI
Robert Hanisch, STScI
Simon Krughoff, University of Pittsburgh
Shui Kwok, Keck Observatory
Chris Miller, NOAO
Maria Nieto-Santisteban, Johns Hopkins University
Ray Plante, University of Illinois
Doug Tody, NRAO
Roy Williams, Caltech

Additional Information:

Additional information about the summer school site, local information
about Aspen, and a more detailed program, will appear on this site.
Questions about the summer school program or logistical matters should
be directed to summer-school at us-vo.org.

The NVO Summer School is made possible through the support of the
National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space

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