VO or VObs

Doug Tody dtody at nrao.edu
Mon Jun 7 21:00:59 PDT 2004

The convention for nearly 5 years now within astronomy is that VO means
Virtual Observatory.  Of course within the Grid community it also means
virtual organization, but this is much the same concept merely generalized
to the broader world.  I think we should stick with VO.


On Mon, 7 Jun 2004, Wil O'Mullane wrote:

> I see the use of VO for Virtual Observatory (I use it myself) but also
> I notice (particulalry our AstroGrid colleques) use  VObs for Virtual
> observatory
> Do we have one we should use in our IVOA documents ? In particular I
> wish to do the next draft of VOSupportInterfaces but should that be
> VObsSupportInterfaces as Guy names it ?
> wil

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