Spectrum Data Model Implementation

Tamas Budavari budavari at pha.jhu.edu
Mon Jun 7 09:07:34 PDT 2004

Hi Pierre,

Those 3 columns are defined in the <Wavelength> tag, which in fact seems
to be missing from the "simple" example. Thanks for pointing it out! This
implementation was BTW following the IVOA twiki document


I think it's called something different in version 0.5 but still separate
GROUP in VOTable terms.

Unfortunatelly, empty columns in the current data model (or class
structure) can't be just omitted easily. If they were objects and not
numbers, then we could make them nullable (or nilable). We may be able 
to play some tricks here if really needed but in this prototype we kept
everything even though didn't fill in all the fields.

Cheers, T.

On Mon, 7 Jun 2004, Pierre Didelon wrote:

> Tamas Budavari wrote:
> > I believe this is relevant for many people on the dm, dal, grid, apps and
> > votable IVOA mailing lists, so I figured I'd send it to interop...
> > 
> > Following the proposal for the spectrum data model, we have completed a 
> > first implementation of an XML Web Service that returns spectra in the 
> > new VO (proposal) format. Please go to
> > 
> > 	http://www.voservices.net/SpectrumSchemaWs/
> > 
> > The links on the bottom of the page show you how our class gets serialized
> > into different xml formats that might be simple or more complex depending
> > on the content.  A VOTable version of them is also implemented for
> > reference. 
> Hi,
> Concerning the simple spectra VOTAble serialisation,
> you have only 5 FIELD definitions with 8 TD cells in each row.
> comparing with XML, it seems that definitions of Wavelength, BinLow & BinHigh
> are missing.
> Fields without meaning full value (like Error, ErrorLow,ErrorHigh & Quality)
> can't be omitted? Or given as PARAM in the header to specifiy default
> or unknown values,
> SY

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