Spectrum Data Model Implementation

Tamas Budavari budavari at pha.jhu.edu
Mon Jun 7 08:02:33 PDT 2004

I believe this is relevant for many people on the dm, dal, grid, apps and
votable IVOA mailing lists, so I figured I'd send it to interop...

Following the proposal for the spectrum data model, we have completed a 
first implementation of an XML Web Service that returns spectra in the 
new VO (proposal) format. Please go to


The links on the bottom of the page show you how our class gets serialized
into different xml formats that might be simple or more complex depending
on the content.  A VOTable version of them is also implemented for
reference. It is the for demonstration purposes, the data are somewhat
random only the format is what we intended to show. The XSD schema is
toward the end.

We are planning to iterate on it once again with Jonathan, Doug and you to
incorporate all feedbacks from the IVOA mtg in Boston and the mailing
lists. Please send us comments and suggestions! Thank you!

Laszlo Dobos and
Tamas Budavari

Tamas Budavari

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy       
The Johns Hopkins University         
3400 N. Charles Street 
Baltimore, MD 21218                    
Phone: +1 (410) 516-0643
Fax: +1 (410) 516-5096

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