conVOT - ASCII & FITS to VOTable Converter version 0.99 released

Peter Quinn pjq at
Tue Jan 13 04:51:47 PST 2004

Dear Oallavi

   This looks like an excellent addition to the VO tool kit. Well done!

    Peter Quinn

On 13/1/04 10:13 AM, "Pallavi Kulkarni" <pck at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> conVOT- A Tool for converting ASCII and FITS files to VOTables is
> released.
> conVOT has been developed as part of virtual-observatory India initiative
> by IUCAA( and Persistent
> Systems(
> For ASCII files, conVOT supports both ASCII files with column delimiters
> and ASCII files with fixed width columns. For FITS files, it supports FITS
> ASCII and Binary tables.
> Go to : for more information and
> download.
> Send your comments and questions to voindia at
> Thanks,
> Pallavi.

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