ADASS VO tutorial

Ajit Kembhavi akk at
Mon May 19 23:32:27 PDT 2003

Dear Bob,

Two or more of the young persons who have been working on the VO-I project
expect to go to Strasbourg meeting, and they would be very happy to
talk on demonstrate the products they have developed, as well as help with
the other demos.


On Mon, 19 May 2003, Robert Hanisch wrote:

> Let me again thank all of you who participated in last week's IVOA interoperability workshop in Cambridge -- I think we had a successful week, and made progress in all areas.
> I mentioned on Friday that the organizing committee of this year's ADASS Conference have agreed to a special Sunday afternoon tutorial on VO software development.  See for a short description.
> It is now time to start thinking in more detail about the contents and structure of the tutorial.  As a start, please send me a message indicating if you might be interested in giving a talk in the tutorial.  I envision these mainly as "how-to" presentations.  Although the VO environment is still developing, I think we will have progressed enough in the coming five months to have some good materials to present.
> In addition to the topics given at the link above, I think it would also be reasonable to have presentations on the various VO prototypes/demos, as these serve as models for VO user applications.
> Thanks,
> Bob

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