XML Schema Versioning: 'version' attribute collision

Brian Major major.brian at gmail.com
Thu May 16 16:21:46 CEST 2019

Hi grid,

Good news.  The authors of the endorsed note "XML Schema Versioning
Policies" have agreed on a simple solution to the issue encountered last
year about the collision of the prescribed 'version' attribute to denote
the (minor) standard version of an instance of an XML schema document.

Some schemas already contained a 'version' attribute, so this pattern could
not be applied universally.  The note will now defer the naming of the
attribute denoting the standard version to the standard itself.  We don't
see any benefit of using a common name for this across standards.  A
benefit of this solution is that no action is required by existing
standards that have already adopted this technique--continuing to use
'version' for this purpose is still also fine.

If there are any concerns with this solution please let us know.  Paul
Harrison will have a new version of the document out soon.

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