news in authentication and ID federation

Brian Major major.brian at
Fri Oct 12 00:02:34 CEST 2018

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for sharing this.  I'm still making my way through it but I have a

Does this approach allow for federated authentication to work in a
non-browser user environment (like command-line tools or a python script or
some other program...)?

Cheers, and see you at the interop.


On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 3:59 AM Pierre Le Sidaner <pierre.lesidaner at>

> Hi
> I am at a conference on the European cloud EOSC, there is some major
> evolution on the tools for IDFederation. I have talk about that on
> previous interop, at that time it was only intention. Now the
> "prototype" is on line
> Idea is to use either shibboleth or open id, to give via GEANT the
> possibility do organise group (LDAP meaning) here a team.
> User of your team can be authenticate by orcid, edugain ... and you have
> possibility of give open access or validation for access to group. In
> few month the actual proto system will be in production.
> We should have a look to this as a model and may be a possible solution
> of multiple federation possible for a user using a single system
> authentication for a service provider. It include also to associate
> multiple ID authentication of a unique user.
> see you at interop
> Regards
> Pierre
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                             Pierre Le Sidaner
>                          Observatoire de Paris
> Directeur de la Direction Informatique de l'Observatoire
> Directeur technique de Paris Astronomical Data Centre
> tel : 01 40 51 20 82
> 61, avenue de l'Observatoire 75014 Paris
> mailto:pierre.lesidaner at
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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