GWS Telecon: July 2018

Brian Major major.brian at
Wed Jul 11 18:45:53 CEST 2018

Hi grid,

We'll hold the next GWS telecon on either July 24 or 25.  Please fill in
the following doodle poll with your preferences:

I will send out connection details and the chosen time next week.

The telecons are nice informal forum for sharing our experiences and
expertise in the area of cloud and grid computing.

There are also a number of outstanding issues GWS needs to address.  If we
have enough participants it would be a good time to discuss them.  These
    - How to to resolve the conflict with the 'version' attribute in XML
schema updates.  (See Markus' email here:
    - UWSRegExt direction (see:

Of course continued discussion of these points is encouraged on the mailing
list as well.  We would appreciate any thoughts you may have.

Brian & Giuliano
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