Reminder: GWS Telecon: February 6, 2018 - 16:00 UTC

Brian Major major.brian at
Mon Feb 5 19:04:03 CET 2018


A reminder that our next telecon is happening tomorrow.


On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 2:49 PM, Brian Major <major.brian at> wrote:

> Dear GWS,
> The next telecon will be on February 6, 16:00 UTC.  Many thanks to those
> who attended the one last week.  Minutes can been viewed on the GWS wiki
> page:
> Connection information is below.  We hope to see you there.  I will send
> out a reminder closer to the event.
> Cheers,
> Brian
> ---
> The meeting will use the "Vidyo" video conferencing system.  We have a
> dedicated room setup for these meetings at the link below:
> =fGdlHcqZBXghafbA7BY1VHCmSs
> Please join as a guest by entering your name and pressing 'Join'.  Feel
> free to use this room to test your Vidyo installation before the meeting.
> It will require you to install a desktop client or browser plugin, so I
> highly recommend doing such a test.
> Although we have found Vidyo to be an excellent tool for handling a large
> number of participants in a telecon, it has a few quirks:
> - For those using Ubuntu, there may be some problems with the install
> process.  If so, please refer to this post::
> estions/766615/how-to-install-libqt4-core-and-libqt4-gui-on-ubuntu-16-04
> - To connect to the talk - first start up your Vidyodesktop client. It
>  will show entry fields VidyoPortal, Username, Password.  Ignore these
> fields and click directly on the URL link provided in this email.  A new
> Vidyo window will pop up where you enter your name and click on the
> Connect button.
> Brian Major
> Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
> Centre canadien de données astronomiques
> National Research Council Canada
> Conseil national de recherches Canada
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