VOSI 1.1 Erratum 1: XML versioning clarification and corrections

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Aug 29 09:02:28 CEST 2018

Hi Brian,

On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 11:55:19AM -0700, Brian Major wrote:
> Please have a look at the following erratum that pertains to some schema
> versioning mistakes in VOSI 1.1:
>     http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSI-1_1-Err-1

Thanks for writing this up.  I'd just start the impact assessment
something like:

  No functional impact is expected since the artifacts in the schema
  repository are not touched as such; this is essentially a
  documentation change.  Even if an implementor had chosen to copy 
  schema files from the standard document rather than the schema
  repository, no impact is expected, as clients currently have no
  reason to interpret version attributes in the schema files of
  capabilities or availability.

        -- Markus

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