VOSpace: Content-Length on transfer negotiation

Brian Major majorb at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Wed Feb 4 22:34:57 CET 2015

Hello grid listeners,

I'd like to propose the addition of an optional content-length field to the
transfer document used to request endpoints for moving data to and from
VOSpace.  However, this would only be applicable when the requested
transfer direction is either pushToVoSpace and pullToVoSpace.

VOSpace implementations must produce a set of transfer endpoints.  In a
distributed storage system, the decision of creating endpoints for data
storage would be more informed if the system knew the size of the file the
client was intending to upload.  For example, a large file may only fit in
a certain physical location.

This new field would not be meant to be used in the actual transfer process
to confirm that the entire file has been received--that would remain the
responsibility of the transfer protocol (HTTP, FTP, etc...).

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