VOSpace (and, not vs) WebDAV

Dave Morris dave.morris at metagrid.co.uk
Wed May 21 09:22:37 PDT 2014


A suggestion for the GWS VOSpace session which may help us to move 

Rather than framing the discussion as VOSpace vs WebDAV. We would like 
to suggest the GWS group look at creating a new VO protocol, VODAV, 
designed to meet the requirements for a new generation of applications.

VODAV would be based on the existing 3rd party WebDAV specification, and 
work to define any extensions we need to meet the VO requirements.

In terms of service registration, a service could register its WebDAV 
capability using a std: capability URI to represents the WebDAV 
protocol, and its VODAV capability using a std: capability URI which 
represents the VODAV protocol.

In addition, if required, we could define two new URL prefixes, 'dav:' 
for resources in a standard WebDAV service and 'vodav:' could be used to 
refer to resources in a VODAV service.

Hope this helps,

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