(26202) IVOA document submission

IVOA Document Coordinator ivoadoc at ivoa.net
Mon May 6 23:49:34 PDT 2013

The following details have being logged by the IVOA Upload procedure.

Document Title: Scientific Workflows in the VO

Document Version: 1.0

Author(s): André Schaaff, Jose Enrique Ruiz et al

Editor(s): André Schaaff, Jose Enrique Ruiz

Interest/Working Group:    Grid and Web Services Working Group

Document Type: IVOA Note

Abstract: We will soon be facing a new generation of facilities and archives dealing with huge amounts of data (ALMA, LSST, Pan-Starrs, LOFAR, SKA pathfinders...) where scientific workflows will play an important role in the working methodology of astronomers. A detailed analysis about the state of the art of workflows in the frame of the VO involves languages, design tools, execution engines, use cases, etc. A major topic is also the preservation of the workflows and the capability to replay a workflow several years after its design and implementation. Several talks concerning these issues have been presented during the past IVOA Interoperability meetings. In order to undertake this task within our community we have decided as a first step to write this Note. We have collected experiences (including use cases, tools, etc.), references and remarks from the community.

File Uploaded: Note-ScientificWorkflows-1.0-20130401.pdf (236999 bytes)


Receipt Time: Mon May  6 23:49:33 2013

Please send any further comments on this matter to ivoadoc at ivoa.net indicating the ticket no.26202 (which is also given in the subject line), the receipt time, and the file name.

Yours sincerely,
	IVOA Document Coordinator

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      Somebody submitted a document to www.ivoa.net using your email address [grid at ivoa.net].

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