UWS 0.4

Paul Harrison paul.harrison at manchester.ac.uk
Fri Jun 13 05:28:06 PDT 2008

On 2008-06 -12, at 17:48, Patrick Dowler wrote:

> On 2008-6-11 23:42, Paul Harrison wrote:
>> The reason is a purely practical one - that HTML forms cannot send
>> DELETEs, so to accommodate this the POST to form with ACTION=DELETE  
>> is
>> used to destroy the job also. This is actually a change from version
>> 0.3 where any POST to the job object would delete it after creation,
>> and was introduced to allow the scenario that you outline above.
> To clarify:
> It would be OK for a service to accept other POSTs directly to the  
> job to
> supply various parameters (basically in multiple steps rather than  
> all at
> once at job creation)?

As far as I am concerned it fits in with the pattern....


> UWS reserves POST with param ACTION=DELETE (equivalent to an http  
> DELETE) to
> support simple (browser) clients.
> that sounds fine.

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