UWS 0.4

Guy Rixon guyrixon at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 01:23:32 PDT 2008

The post is allowed so that a web browser can delete a job.


On 12 Jun 2008, at 00:35, Patrick Dowler wrote:

> I find one part of the UWS a bit odd. It says that DELETE to the  
> job resource
> deletes it (fine), but that a POST to that resource also deletes it.
> When one creates a job (POST to the job list) some parameters can  
> be included
> (presumably service-specific params). I would have assumed that one  
> could
> POST more params to the job resource itself and have them treated  
> the same
> way (at last up until a POST to the phase resource to start it  
> executing).
> This would allow a client to, for example:
> - POST to the job list (create a job, along with some parameters)
> - GET the quote
> - decide where the output should go (long quote == not my laptop :)
> - POST to the job with dest=<something>
> - POST to the phase
> It also just doesn't seem RESTy that POST would delete something.  
> Is there a
> reason for this? A good one?
> curious,
> -- 
> Patrick Dowler
> Tel/Tél: (250) 363-6914                  | fax/télécopieur: (250)  
> 363-0045
> Canadian Astronomy Data Centre   | Centre canadien de donnees  
> astronomiques
> National Research Council Canada | Conseil national de recherches  
> Canada
> Government of Canada                  | Gouvernement du Canada
> 5071 West Saanich Road               | 5071, chemin West Saanich
> Victoria, BC                                  | Victoria (C.-B.)

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