Definitive version of the VOTable schema for web services

Matthew Graham mjg at
Tue Jul 29 19:33:40 PDT 2008


I really think that this has to come from the VOTable WG, even if it  
is now officially dormant. We have complained about this enough for  
long enough that it is shocking that we do not have a solution.  
Hopefully, one of the other national projects is sitting on a version  
of VOTable that actually works with all the code binders so it's  
minimal effort.



On Jul 29, 2008, at 6:44 PM, Roy Williams wrote:

> If only there were some really smart person who understands XML  
> schema and WSDL and all that -- who would be kind enough to  
> volunteer to help the IVOA by proposing a universal VOTable schema.
> Roy
> Matthew Graham wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, I know it has and it's normally this time of year that I make  
>> the same request. It would be nice if we could actually sort this  
>> out once and for all.
>>    Cheers,
>>    Matthew
>> On Jul 29, 2008, at 6:02 PM, Alberto Conti wrote:
>>> I hope you will have more success that I had pointing this out.
>>> It has been this way since a long long time ago....
>>> -A
>>> On Jul 29, 2008, at 8:18 PM, Matthew Graham wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The VOTable schema that exists on the IVOA web site cannot just  
>>>> be imported into a WSDL document. There are several web services,  
>>>> e.g. Open SkyQuery, SkyNode, WESIX, which have produced their own  
>>>> version of the schema to work with WSDL - essentially all the  
>>>> complexTypes need to be named and globally defined instead of  
>>>> being anonymous under the elements. I was wondering whether the  
>>>> VOTable group could produce a sanctioned version of the VOTable  
>>>> 1.1 schema that will work with WSDL?
>>>>    Cheers,
>>>>    Matthew
>>> Dr Alberto Conti
>>> Community Missions Office
>>> Space Telescope Science Institute
>>> contact | tel: 410-338-4534 | aim: wscience
> -- 
> California Institute of Technology
> 626 395 3670

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