More REST theology

Guy Rixon gtr at
Mon Mar 12 02:14:07 PDT 2007


I have just found this article that may be important for understanding REST.

I think I agree with that, but with one proviso. In the REST protocols I've
drafted so far (a UWS prototype and one for the credential-delegation
service), I've used POST to create new resources. This is because these
protocols have a static resource that lists the ephemeral ones. E.g. posting
(name) to /UWS/jobs (static list) creates /UWS/jobs/(name) (ephemeral
resource). I regard creating the ephemeral resource as a side effect of
updating the list.


Guy Rixon 				        gtr at
Institute of Astronomy   	                Tel: +44-1223-337542
Madingley Road, Cambridge, UK, CB3 0HA		Fax: +44-1223-337523

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