No subject

Guy Rixon gtr at
Thu Apr 26 03:44:34 PDT 2007


the schedule for the Beijing interop has three sessions, each of 1.5  
hours, for GWS-WG.

1 (Monday afternoon): VOSpace 1.x. This covers both VOSpace 1.0,  
which is in WD, and the forthcoming extension 1.1.

2 (Tuesday afternoon): REST, UWS, VOSpace 2.x. This covers general  
discussions of how to use the REST paradigm; development of the UWS  
pattern for asynchronous control of computing; and later evolutions  
of VOSpace.

3 (Friday morning): Security and support interfaces.

Talks and reports are invited for these sessions, particularly the  
second. We have the following offers already (provisional titles).

Alternatives to SOAP/WS-*: Matthew Graham
Event reporting for asynchronous interfaces: Doug Tody
HTTPS with proxy certificates: implemenatation report: Guy Rixon
VOSI getAvailability and getRegistration: Guy Rixon (unless someone  
else wants to speak to this)
UWS as a REST protocol: Guy Rixon

Short talks ~15 minutes are preferred.

At this meeting I would like to push VOSI to 1.0 WD (finally!) and,  
if possible, to push the SSO-methods spec into PR. It would be very  
useful to get some agreement on where the UWS pattern will be  
applied: will DAL use it? Will TAP?


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