IVOA WS Basic Profile

schaaff at newb6.u-strasbg.fr schaaff at newb6.u-strasbg.fr
Fri Sep 15 06:19:37 PDT 2006

A first (simple) prototype of an online Basic Profile checker is 
available at :

It checks a first set of rules related to the Support Interfaces.
But the checking of other rules could be easily added.

It could also be available very quickly as a Web Service (interfaces to 
be defined : one interface returning a simple boolean and one another 
returning the report or just one xml file, ...), if needed to check for 
example a WS during the registration process.
In the future, it could also be possible to extend the Basic Profile to 
other services and to provide adapted checking tools.

An updated version (0.23, Sept. 1) of the BP document is online.


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