GWS at Moscow interop

Norman Gray norman at
Mon Sep 11 06:57:53 PDT 2006


On 2006 Sep 9 , at 09.57, Guy Rixon wrote:

> Input is invited for the other sessions, preferably in the form of  
> short
> (5-15 minute) presentations and/or demos, but we can take other  
> input as well

At the VOTech meeting in Strasbourg last week, I was talking about  
some fairly prototype work on doing authorization reasoning using OWL  
reasoners, and the sort of interface this would have to things like X. 
509 certificates and SAML assertions.

I'd like to talk about this work in Moscow if I can.  Fifteen minutes  
would be nice, but possibly a little greedy: I could do it in ten  
minutes if there's pressure on time.  For a title: `Reasoning about  
access with OWL'.

See you,


Norman Gray  /  /  University of Leicester, UK

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