Updated VOSupportInterfaces spec

Ani Thakar thakar at skysrv.pha.jhu.edu
Thu Nov 3 09:30:30 PST 2005

Hi all,

I've posted an updated VO Support Interfaces draft spec, version 0.23 


This includes changes to the logging interfaces to fix some missing 
information as well as to update the interfaces to send output to a 
logging VOStore.   This part will still need tweaking before it is 
finalized, of course.  I've also added a note about access/security for 
the logging VOStore.

I posted the WSDL for the updated services in VOSupportInterfaces.wsdl, 
but I noticed that there were 2 WSDL documents for the support 
interfaces: VObsServices.wsdl which contains the getAvailability and 
registry metadata interfaces, and the other one containing the logging 
interfaces.  Since the latter are non-mandatory, I've updated the 
support interfaces section to include both WSDL files, one for mandatory 
support interfaces and the other for non-mandatory (logging) interfaces.
I updated the comment in the VObsServices.wsdl file to reflect the fact 
that the logging WSDL was in a separate document.

However, I note that the current draft spec contains identical 
language, "All VO services *should* implement ..." for all the current 
support interfaces, mandatory and non-mandatory.  I guess this should be 
changed to "must implement" for the mandatory interfaces, right?

Please send me comments, questions if you have any.  Cheers.


Aniruddha R Thakar,  Research Scientist,  The Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Ctr for Astrophys Sci, JHU, 3701 San Martin Dr Baltimore MD 21218-2695
410-516-4850 fax:410-516-5096  thakar at jhu.edu www.sdss.jhu.edu/~thakar
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