NSA A/A [Was: SSO authentication: a new approach]

andrew cooke acooke at noao.edu
Wed Mar 23 07:24:26 PST 2005


You don't know me, but I've just been told I'm responsible for security in
the NOAO Science Archive (NSA).  I've stumbled across this thread while
casting aroud trying to understand a little more what other people are
doing wrt security and the VO (Ray - I think Arno will be contacting you
soon, or has already done so, and I guess we will be talking in more

So I'm trying to work out how the NSA would fit into the scheme of things.
 I think it would be great for us to have an external authentication
service, which manages/verrifies identities, but I think we would want to
keep control of authorization (because access to particular data will be a
function of both the user's identity and the data's provenance -
provenance being a complex fuction of the metadata within the archive).

At first glance, that seems clean enough.  But I can see at least two
problems, which I think others have also discussed here.

1 - It's not always easy to separate authentication and authorization.  In
a typical ACL scenario you need to search through relationships between
subjects and permissions (for example, the user may not have the
appropriate permission, but is a member of a group that does).  In such
cases, who is responsible for managing groups?  It seems that naturally
this is a job for the authentication service, but that gives me an
efficiency headache if I want to do local authorization.

2 - How does this fit with the whole trust model?  This affects the NSA in
at least two ways.  2a: We need to start worrying about who is doing the
request (ie implementing whatever trust model is decided on)  2b: We might
need to start worrying about generating requests ourselves.

On the last point, what are people's opinions on the internal architecture
of large(?) web services?  Do issues like 2b mean that we should have
message security internally, or is it more practical to handle
authentication at the gateway and use whatever internal architecture we
want (typically transport or network security), since we trust our own
code, do our own authorization,  and in general aren't worried about third
party support?

Sorry if this seems rambling or just plain stupid in parts (and I guess
perhaps the last question is not 100% relevant to this list).  I'm still
trying to get my head round the issues involved...


Ray Plante said:
> Hopefully, I've exhausted this thread.  ;-)
> cheers,
> Ray

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