ADASS discussions

Martin Hill mch at
Mon Sep 22 07:35:57 PDT 2003

On Monday 22 September 2003 3:10 pm, Alasdair Allan wrote:
> > We're publishing data using SOAP with Apache/Tomcat/Axis, also using
> > direct TCP/IP socket connections, both of them XML document based.
> What format does the SOAP request take, is it RPC or document literal? ie
> have you slipped an XML VOQL past me while I wasn't looking?
> > Intending to add Java servlets for CGI-like queries, and possibly SOAP
> > parameter-based (rather than document based) access.
> Oh, you obviously have some sort of XML query language then... Err, what
> is it? I've obviously not being paying attention here?

Document literal.  We put together a simple XML version of SQL (to 
test the querying with, certainly not intended as a standard!) but we've been 
looking at the ADQL being specified under the SkyNode folks and implemented 
that too.  This is just to give us something to work with; we expect 
standards to come and go and change and are ready to plug anything in when it 

Martin Hill
Astrogrid/AVO, ROE
Tel: 07901 55 24 66

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