VOTable class

Matthew Graham mjg at cacr.caltech.edu
Thu Dec 11 16:01:53 PST 2003


Is anyone trying to pass VOTable around directly between Java web services
and clients? If so, what class are you using to represent VOTable?

I have found the following all have associated problems:

(1) JAVOT: requires com.tbf.xml package which has non-bean classes:
XmlNameSpace, XmlObject (both lack default constructors)

(2) SAVOT: compilation errors (cannot find savot/model/SavotSet; class is
cds.savot.model.SavotSet in cds.savot.model package); VOTable is also not
a bean (not serializable, no default constructor)

(3) uk.ac.starlink.votable: not a bean (VOTable, VOElement) but easy
enough to alter source code to make them (serializable, default
constructor); however, use java.net.URL and javax.xml.transform.Source
which are not beans. 

(4) voi.vowrite.VOTable: this is a bean but is really only for writing not

I realise that lack of beanness does not stop the objects being passed
about but it does mean that they end up being represented as anyType in
the wsdl which does not make for easy translation at the other end.



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