[Edu] Debriefing Re: REMINDER Re: Scheduling a Zoom meeting: Improving IVOA registration for new data service providers

Renaud Savalle renaud.savalle at obspm.fr
Sat Oct 14 16:36:43 CEST 2023

Dear meeting participants (in BCC), members of the Registry WG and the 
Education IG,

Thanks for your participation to our online meeting of Oct 3rd. Here is 
a small debriefing message.

Several data providers, both new and established, shared their 
experience maintaining a IVOA publishing registry. The OAI-PMH standard, 
used for harvesting, requires registry publishers to encapsulate their 
VOResources correctly and provide a OAI endpoint with simple web 
services used by Full Searchable Registries to collect them 
incrementally. General advice is not to implement that interface from 
scratch, since existing packages/libraries can be used in several 
programming languages. It is also possible to use frameworks (such as 
GAVO) which can take care of publication in addition to service 
implementation. A web-based "wizard" (Euro-VO Registry) is more adapted 
to publishers with a few number of manually published services. 
Validation of publishing registries is possible using the online tool 
used as the first step (Validating the Harvesting Interface) when adding 
a Pub. Reg. on the RofR page (*http://rofr.ivoa.net/regvalidate/ 
<http://rofr.ivoa.net/regvalidate/>) *It was also advised to do XSL 
validation first. See attached document for more details.

Here are 2 PDF documents:

- my 2 introductory slides about the registry big picture, ecosystem and 
- the Google Doc we've used to keep track of the discussion and links to 
resources and tools. (thanks to Hendrik for taking notes and to Markus 
for providing a summary of registry validators and a link to examples of 
VO Resources).

We are planning to continue this discussion in Tucson in a face-to-face 
splinter during the Interop meeting next month (if you are interested to 
participate, please contact me by email or in person there). We might 
also re-iterate such an On-Boarding meeting next year. In the meantime 
we should try to keep our documentation updated on the IVOA wiki pages.

On the longer term, the Education IG is beginning to search funds to 
organize a data providers workshop to train new providers and encourage 
best practices among all.

More generally, do not hesitate to use the registry mailing list to ask 
questions, as we can help each other there.

Thanks again to all the participants for the interesting discussion.

Renaud Savalle

On 2023-10-02 19:21, Renaud Savalle wrote:
> Dear All,
> This is a reminder for our online meeting, tomorrow Tue, Oct 3 at 4pm 
> CEST (2pm UTC, 10 am ET, 7am Tucson).
> Here is the Zoom meeting link: 
> https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/96910109418?pwd=VUcrNSttTzJobHVpZXlVZnA3SGUxdz09
> The following Google Document contains the meeting agenda and we can 
> use it to take collaborative notes:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_4SLsTQj6nbwcI1oqPyiCM4Rg8p1QFhA32_DWh6Rcl0/ 
> Please feel free to add any points of interest into the Ideas section 
> of that document.
> Thanks, and see you tomorrow,
> Renaud.
> On 2023-09-18 16:16, Renaud Savalle wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thank you to all who responded to the poll. After reviewing the 
>> results, we are planning this Zoom meeting for:
>> Tue, Oct 3 at 4pm CEST (2pm UTC, 10 am ET, 7am Tucson)
>> Zoom link is below, and here is a google doc where we can all prepare 
>> the agenda and share ideas:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_4SLsTQj6nbwcI1oqPyiCM4Rg8p1QFhA32_DWh6Rcl0/edit?usp=sharing 
>> Sorry for those who won't be available, but we will take notes, and 
>> continue discussing this topic in Tucson.
>> Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom in 2 weeks.
>> Thanks,
>> Renaud.
>> Renaud Savalle is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
>> Join Zoom Meeting
>> https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/96910109418?pwd=VUcrNSttTzJobHVpZXlVZnA3SGUxdz09
>> Meeting ID: 969 1010 9418
>> Passcode: VeW2U6
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>> Meeting ID: 969 1010 9418
>> Passcode: 583769
>> Find your local number: https://cnrs.zoom.us/u/acfKHUXKzJ
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>> Meeting ID: 969 1010 9418
>> Passcode: 583769
>> On 2023-09-11 15:37, Renaud Savalle wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> The IVOA Registry WG and Education IG are starting an effort to help 
>>> data providers with registration of their services and data 
>>> collections.
>>> Indeed we noticed that the IVOA registration process can appear 
>>> complex and needs a better onboarding process (see Slides 12 and 13 
>>> of 
>>> https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/InterOpMay2023SciencePlatforms/AstroDataLab_RobertNikutta.pdf). 
>>> To improve the situation we would like to meet to listen to the 
>>> experience, needs and suggestions of data providers, especially at 
>>> Rubin Observatory and NOIRLAB.
>>> We hope to discuss this effort at the next Interop meeting in 
>>> Tucson, however not all of us involved will be present.
>>> We therefore propose to kickstart this effort with a Zoom 
>>> brainstorming meeting before the Interop.
>>> Please visit
>>> https://www.when2meet.com/?21297616-AN1dd
>>> to let us know when you're available.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Renaud Savalle and Tess Jaffe, chairs of the IVOA Registry WG
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