[Edu] **Northern Spring Interop Meeting is next week - Final Reminder**

Chenzhou Cui ccz at bao.ac.cn
Thu May 20 04:52:12 CEST 2021

Dear colleagues,

The Education session of the meeting will take place on Wednesday, 26 
May, at 6:30 UTC. Draft program is available at:


The session will focus on the collaboration between IVOA and IAU OAD. If 
you are interested in, please send your suggestions and comments to:

    ccz at bao.ac.cn

Best regards,


On 2021/5/19 23:56, Janet Evans wrote:
> Dear IVOA Community,
> This is a final reminder that the **Northern Spring Interop Meeting is 
> next week - May 25-28**, with an IVOA Newcomers session scheduled for 
> May 24.
> Here’s a Highlight of the meeting:
>     o Newcomers session scheduled for Monday, May 24 - Starts at 20:30 
>     o A wide-array of presentations & discussions during the Interop 
> that kicks off on Tuesday, May 25 - Starts at 5:00 UTC
>     o 2 Mini-Workshops are planned during the Interop - both 3 
> sessions each:
>         1) Science Platforms for the dissemination of Cosmological 
> Simulations (sponsored by Theory/GWS Interest groups)
>         2) Data Model Usage in the VO (sponsored by Data Model Working 
> group)
>     o Socializing is planned using gather.town!!
> Registration is free and open until the end of the Interop!!
>     ** Registration page: 
> https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2021 
> <https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2021>
>     ** Schedule: 
> https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2021 
> <https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2021>
> You will find more details in the attached flyer !!
> Best regards,
> -Janet & Pat
> Janet Evans
> Chandra Data System Software Development Manager
> Chandra X-ray Center
> Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
> Office: (617) 495 7160 | Cell: (617) 688 6084
> 60 Garden Street | MS 81 | Cambridge, MA 02138
Chenzhou Cui
National Astronomical Observatory | Tel: +86-10-64872500
Chinese Academy of Sciences       | FAX: +86-10-64888708
20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District | Email: ccz at bao.ac.cn
Beijing 100101, China             | WWW: www.lamost.org/~cb

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