IVOA DM Running meeting notes

Mathieu Servillat mathieu.servillat at obspm.fr
Sat Mar 30 15:48:55 CET 2024

Dear all,

thanks for the discussion this week, you will find below a few notes and 

We particularly advertise 2 meetings next week :

  * High Energy group meeting next week: *April 3rd 14:30 UTC* on Zoom
      o See https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEIG_24Apr03
      o Zoom link:

  * ObsCore radio extension meeting next week: *April 5th at 12:00 UTC*
    on Zoom
      o See
      o And https://github.com/ivoa-std/ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData
      o Zoom link to be sent

Best regards,
Mathieu and Mark


Attendees: *

   Mark C-D, Mathieu S., Mireille L., Francois B., Laurent M., Jesus S., 
Janet E., Ian E., Simon T., Mark T., Paul H.

*DM roadmap:*

  * Spectrum 1.2 RFE: closed and now on github
      o https://github.com/ivoa-std/SpectrumDM/
  * Transform 1.0:
      o requires minor changes (eg’: Unit’ transform name change to
      o mainly a documentation effort to illustrate implementations
      o plan to work this in April
  * ObsCore radio extension
      o Meeting next week: April 5th at 12:00 UTC on Zoom
  * MANGO (next discussion point)
  * Dataset DM
      o Need to follow up on Bologna meeting discussions
      o Making the model more compact and focused
      o related to CAOM integration
  * High Energy group
      o https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
      o meeting next week: April 3rd 14:30 UTC on Zoom
  * Provenance One-step
      o Important concept to make provenance more practical
      o list of keywords that may be queried (as ObsCore) or embedded in
        a file header
      o Connections with Data Origin (DCP IG) and Dataset DM
  * Other :
      o Characterisation 2.0: related to CAOM, sharing concepts
      o Need to work with CADC on integration of CAOM

*IVOA Sydney preparation:

  * DM1 Tuesday 11:00 : roadmap oriented talks
  * DM2 Thursday 16:00 : focus on High Energy astrophysics
  * DM/DAL/APP joint session :
      o Different clients have different requirements on the underlying
      o Discussion on “how users should be interacting with data models”
          + or ‘how do we serve data models supporting different
            requirement levels?’
  * Proposed presentations :
      o Laurent : MANGO/MIVOT
      o Mireille : ObsCore extension for Time
      o Mathieu : Provenance One-step
      o Paul : vodml and proposal model
      o High Energy Session
          + to be refined at HEIG meeting
  * rk : Janet proposes talks on Chandra DM that works for data
    processing and catalogs

*Project Status:*

MANGO status (Laurent)

  * containers for different quantities
  * use MIVOT to map those quantities in VOTables
  * very active work:
      o MIVOT is a REC (June 2023)
      o code included in astropy, and to come in pyVO
      o github pages to be updated
      o presentation at Interop

ObsCore extensions (radio, high energy, time domain...)

  * how to handle extensions?
  * Example of radio extension
     1. obscore table + table per extension: join in the query
     2. expose the combined tables obscore+radio, obscore+he, obscore+time
  * Write standardID in the utype attribute of table element of VO data
     1. cannot have several utypes for the same table
     2. would need to expose different services, 1 per extension
  * What about multiple extensions combined? (obscore+radio+time)

VODML (Paul)

  * https://github.com/ivoa/vo-dml <https://github.com/ivoa/vo-dml>
  * Adding Issues to VODML repository and organizing them into
    milestones for V1.1, 1.2 and 2.0 releases

ProposalDM (Paul)

  * https://github.com/ivoa/ProposalDM <https://github.com/ivoa/ProposalDM>
  * having a Source DM would be useful in this context
  * see also MANGO

*Next Meeting:*

  * proposed next meeting in mid-April... poll to be sent to select


Dr. Mathieu Servillat
Laboratoire Univers et Théories, Bât 18, Bur. 222
Observatoire de Paris, Site de Meudon
5 place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon, France
Tél. +33 1 45 07 78 62
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