DMWG - activity summary

CresitelloDittmar, Mark mdittmar at
Wed Sep 6 21:16:00 CEST 2023


We wanted to take a minute to send a summary of the on-going activities of
the working group.
As usual, the roadmap for this semester
<> is
quite full.  We have a TCG meeting coming up and we'd like to go into that
with a good understanding of where we are on these projects.

Please let us know if I've missed anyone's activities.

Spectrum 1.2 RFE:
    * At the last TCG meeting, I asked if the level of implementation for
this RFE was sufficient to move forward.
      We got positive feedback from Marco, so I am planning to get the RFC
started this week.

ObsCore extension for Radio domain:
   * A joining RIG/DM meeting took place on Aug 29.  Discussion points
        - dataproduct_type: vocabulary is insufficient for radio data;
discussions on changes need to be coordinated with Semantics.
        - s_regions: extend to allow expression as a MOC
        - general discussion on several parameters
        - discussion on representation of extension content in a query
response, and service capability declaration.
   * This was followed-up with a suggestion that the extension document and
discussions be led by a set of documented use cases.
        - query examples for typical radio products that would not be
supported by the current ObsCore standard.
      My understanding is that these exist, and are documented separately
which makes it a little difficult to make the connection and focus the

   * Laurent distributed a roadmap for upcoming development of code in PyVO
to enable usage of the annotation syntax.
        • Opening a MR enabling Astropy to operate the R/W operations for
VOTable annotations.
        • Implementing the MIVOT processing in PyVO. Without going in
detail, the goal here is to enable PYVO to provide model views on data rows
while streaming tables. These models views will be based on either generic
Python objects, model stakeholder classes or Astropy classes.
        • Doing the same in RUST based the CDS VOTable parser
        • On server side, we will provide a VOLLT extension able to
annotate VOTables on the fly. This extension will use a TAPSchema extension
to store the mapping rules.

Modeling High Energy Datasets: High Energy Group
   * IVOA standards for High Energy Astrophysics: meeting held in Paris,
June 28-29.
   * upcoming meeting (Sept. 14) will review Dataset/Cube models to open
discussion on applicability to various data products.

*Upcoming work*
Transform 1.0:
    * The action here is to implement the python workflow scripts as
jupyter notebooks.
       This will be my primary IVOA focus for September.

One-Step Provenance:
    * The Python package voprov has been upgraded to include a draft
version of a one-step provenance function
    * ProvTAP experimented with a dedicated view for this provenance.

Running Meeting:
   * We'll be organizing the next meeting for sometime in September..

Thanks for all the hard work!
Mark and Mathieu.
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