DM Workshop wrap-up

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at
Wed Jul 21 18:20:03 CEST 2021

Hi All,

Thanks, Mark, for looking into that. This does seem promising.  I would like to do a few experiments with our existing parsers/validators to be sure, but it seems good.

If we use this approach I would propose that we give strict guidance on the RESOURCE where VODML content lives.  Since RESOURCEs can show up all over the place in a VOTABLE, I think it would be good to mandate things like:

  *   Only one such RESOURCE
  *   Only one possible location (e.g., the first RESOURCE)
  *   With well-defined scope (most likely it should be a top-level stand-alone RESOURCE, not nested in or containing other RESOURCEs)
  *   With type=”meta”
  *   With a specific ID and/or name?


From: <dm-bounces at> on behalf of Laurent Michel <laurent.michel at>
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 11:39 AM
To: Mark Taylor <m.b.taylor at>
Cc: "dm at" <dm at>
Subject: Re: DM Workshop wrap-up

External Email - Use Caution
Hell all,

This would be a very clean solution.

- Gerard proposed to rephrase the XSD in order to isolate complexTypes from elements which should make easier the validation in the context of a VOTable.
- We have been using XSD1.1 (with Python) because the merged syntax put many constraints on element attributes. This is a key point of the proposal. I do not think that such rules could be set with XSD1.0
  - The xerces web site does not look worry about this (<;!!CrWY41Z8OgsX0i-WU-0LuAcUu2o!nQi4ELtSSzKUpZjOVSCN0rLK20EZWxEHU8Fskrp9js4kx9qVU47SL56je5h6c5iFdQ$>) but I’ve no experience with this code
  - I’ve no idea about how could this fit with volint either.


On 21 Jul 2021, at 17:02, Mark Taylor <m.b.taylor at<mailto:m.b.taylor at>> wrote:


Yes, I think that use of the xs:any type is the right way to go here.

However, that is already accommodated by the VOTable schema as it stands.
Quoting from<;!!CrWY41Z8OgsX0i-WU-0LuAcUu2o!nQi4ELtSSzKUpZjOVSCN0rLK20EZWxEHU8Fskrp9js4kx9qVU47SL56je5i1_43vxg$>

 <xs:complexType name="Resource">
     <!-- Suggested Doug Tody, to include new RESOURCE types -->
     <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

which means that the elements from the VODML schema can be included
within a RESOURCE element in a VOTable document, with no changes
to the VOTable standard required at all (thanks to Markus for
pointing this out).
So something like this should work out of the box:

 <VOTABLE version="1.4"
   <RESOURCE type="meta">
     <dm:VODML ...>
   <RESOURCE type="results">

A VOTable document like that validates for me under the VOTable 1.4
schema (e.g. xmllint -noout -schema VOTable1.4.xsd).  At present votlint
(<;!!CrWY41Z8OgsX0i-WU-0LuAcUu2o!nQi4ELtSSzKUpZjOVSCN0rLK20EZWxEHU8Fskrp9js4kx9qVU47SL56je5iXtd5-Iw$>) does complain:

  WARNING: Element in wrong namespace (<;!!CrWY41Z8OgsX0i-WU-0LuAcUu2o!nQi4ELtSSzKUpZjOVSCN0rLK20EZWxEHU8Fskrp9js4kx9qVU47SL56je5iiGyvehQ$> not<;!!CrWY41Z8OgsX0i-WU-0LuAcUu2o!nQi4ELtSSzKUpZjOVSCN0rLK20EZWxEHU8Fskrp9js4kx9qVU47SL56je5h2xvKE0w$>)

but that's really a votlint bug that I will fix.

I would certainly favour this approach rather than adding new VOTable
elements, to avoid unnecessary coupling between the VODML and VOTable

Concerning the xsi:type="mapping:VODML-type" attribute:
as I understand it, that wouldn't work with a schema in the form
of the one at<;!!CrWY41Z8OgsX0i-WU-0LuAcUu2o!nQi4ELtSSzKUpZjOVSCN0rLK20EZWxEHU8Fskrp9js4kx9qVU47SL56je5jFLJq0uQ$>

since that defines elements directly and not types (Gerard queried
this stylistic decision during the DM workshop session #4).

So I'm not quite sure how validation of the embedded VODML would
proceed: either the schema could be rephrased to define types, or
perhaps XSD validators are able to determine the required contents
based on the <VODML> element name without requiring an xsi:type.

One other point on the current merged-syntax.xsd: use of XMLSchema 1.1,
instead of 1.0, makes it harder to validate using some tools.
Java support at least is not so good for XSD 1.1, so I don't know
whether votlint would be able to provide XSD validation for VODML
if it was defined using this schema.


On Fri, 16 Jul 2021, BONNAREL FRANCOIS wrote:

Hi all,
    Considering the VOTAble schema versioning issue, with the "import" of a
mapping syntax which may evoluate on its own I wonder i something like the
following could work.
    1 ) in next VOTABLE schema version, create a "VODML" tag inside VOTable of
type "anyType" (minoccurs = 0 of course)
    2 ) in VOTABLE documents type this VODML tag with an
xsi:type="mapping:VODML-type" , with "mapping" xmlns defined as the last
version of the mapping xml schema (can be done with attributes of the VODML
    3 ) as far as I remember this would make the two schemata independant and
does not require that VOTABLE documents import the mapping schema

Do you think it could work ?


Le 15/07/2021 à 11:36, Laurent Michel a écrit :

Dear DM,

Last Tuesday we had our last DM workshop meeting.
This concluded a fruitful 7-month process whose main conclusions and
prospects are listed below.

An overview of the work done has been presented by LM

Conclusions in short

• Models:
• Meas, Coord, PhotDM, Dataset, Cube and MANGO accepted
• New use-cases to be investigated
• X-RAY Astronomy
• Asteroids, multi-core datasets
• CTA and MM astronomy : meta-data characterization

• Data Provider / client specific use-cases
• Need for annotations to help processing spectra
• Need to associate parameters
• Need for a simple description of the photometric calibration
• Need for a simple view on Provenance
• Annotation on the fly feasible
• Model-based PyVO API easy to design

• Mapping syntax
• Divergence between the 2 proposals (VODML mapping and ModelInstanceInVot)
• Proof of concept for a YAML serialization of model instances

An important effort has been made over the last 6 weeks to merge the 2
syntax proposals:
• see on<;!!CrWY41Z8OgsX0i-WU-0LuAcUu2o!nQi4ELtSSzKUpZjOVSCN0rLK20EZWxEHU8Fskrp9js4kx9qVU47SL56je5gbe7QepA$>

• 3 items available so far:

Mark Taylor  Astronomical Programmer  Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at<mailto:m.b.taylor at><*mbt/__;fg!!CrWY41Z8OgsX0i-WU-0LuAcUu2o!nQi4ELtSSzKUpZjOVSCN0rLK20EZWxEHU8Fskrp9js4kx9qVU47SL56je5gnFcabKg$>

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