Prov-WD: Conflicting description of DatasetDescription.contentType

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Mon Jul 15 17:08:09 CEST 2019


Here in the text may is in small letters, it's not the keyword MAY I guess.



Le 15/07/2019 à 16:53, Ole Streicher a écrit :
> Hi again,
> (third and last issue concerning special Entity classes):
> The DatasetDescription has a mandatory "contentType" attribute, which is
> described in the text in the following manner (2.6.1 "DatasetEntity and
> DatasetDescription classes", pg. 26):
> "The contentType _may_ indicate the MIME-type or format of a file,
> or a more precise structure, following the definition of the attribute
> access_format defined in ObsCoreDM [...]"
> According to the prequel (pg. 4), the word "_may_" here has the meaning
> <>:
> "MAY  This word, or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is truly
> optional."
> which is obviously not what is meant here. Fixed in the attachment. The
> fix also changes "file" --> "dataset", since a DataSet is not restricted
> to a file (see previous issue).
> Best
> Ole

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