Model updates..

CresitelloDittmar, Mark mdittmar at
Thu May 17 20:49:17 CEST 2018


I have committed changes to volute which
  a) adds objects to facilitate virtual data (eg: physical image axes )
  b) updates the TimeOffset spec as discussed on the mail list.

Coords: model
<>, doc
(NOT updated)
  + Add TimeInstant  as head of explicit instant types - ISOTime, JD, MJD
extend TimeInstant
  + move time0 attribute from TimeFrame to TimeOffset, this is the only
class which should specify the zero point explicitly
     change type to TimeInstant

Trans: model
<>, doc
(NOT updated)
  Becomes independent model, no longer dependent on coords model.
  + rename FrameTransform to Transform
  + rename Transform to TOperation
  + remove references to coords:CoordFrame in FrameTransform (new Transform)
  Other models define objects which relate the Transform to particular
objects  (eg: to create a Virtual Measure)

 Cube: model
diagrams <>,
   + Add support for Virtual data
      - VirtualMeasure     = Measure determined by applying Transform to
      - VirtualImageAxes = Virtual physical image axes  (apply Transform to
pixel axes or other physical image axes)
   + removed abstract objects which serve little purpose: DataElement,
PointDataProduct, PixelatedDataProduct

Example files have been updated as well.

With these updates, I think we are able to fully describe/serialize the
current use cases ( Event list, 2D Image, 4D Image, simple time series ).
The models have been getting some pretty good usage in some application
work you will see at the interop, plus the TDIG project.
Any changes from here will mostly be driven by user feedback rather than
our own review and evaluation.

I will try to have documentation (PDF) for the current versions of the
coords,meas,trans models ready for the interop, but time is running short.

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