New ProvenanceDM working draft released, part I

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Wed Oct 18 09:26:35 CEST 2017

Dear all,

Le 17/10/2017 à 23:59, Kristin Riebe a écrit :
> Hi Tim, DM,
>> As another data point, LSST will have the ability to attach a WCS to
>> a raw image that is derived by looking at 1000 processed images. We
>> will be tracking the provenance of that WCS and its inputs and have
>> to attach it to the raw data as provenance. If someone asks for “all
>> the inputs” they are not really going to want all 1000 processed
>> images. They need those to exactly reproduce the processed image they
>> will generate from that updated raw image but it’s clearly distinct
>> in the provenance tree.
>> To be more concrete, if you now coadd two images that came from raw
>> data that had WCS derived from 1000 other images, when someone says
>> “what went into that coadd” they probably mean the two parent images
>> and possibly the two raw data files.
> That's interesting!
> If one tries to model it in a clean way, then I think one should model 
> an activity "add WCS" for each raw image, which takes the raw image, 
> 1000 other images and produces a new raw image with the WCS 
> information attached.
> Since I like it visually, I've created an image for this using 
>, see
I think there "1000 images" is a "collection", known as a special type 
of entity. In a provenance service all collections may not have to be 
explicitly detailed except if it's needed.

So I like this way to do it.

> (It's also attached it as png.)
> Would you also model it this way? With or without the brown 
> wasDerivedFrom relations?
> Cheers,
> Kristin

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