Question about classes Was...

Laurent Michel laurent.michel at
Fri Dec 2 18:05:22 CET 2016


I do not see why you are using classes to model the relationships (WasAssociatedWith, Was....)
This could complicate the serialisation  whereas using the names of the relationship could do the job


Le 28/11/2016 à 14:34, Kristin Riebe a écrit :
> Dear Data Modelers,
> the working draft for the Provenance Data Model is now available at
> We are still about to implement the model and test serialisations in our
> different use cases. You are very welcome to try it for your own use
> cases and give us some feedback!
> There are some remaining issues which we will discuss in our Provenance
> meetings; the next one is scheduled for 13th December 2016 in
> Strasbourg, see
> (where you can also find upcoming events in the future and a link to the
> volute repository)
> and
> Please put your name there if you want to participate as well!
> Here are some of the main discussion points which need to be addressed
> in the future:
> * Description classes
> - Which projects need them, which don't
> * "ActivityFlow"
> - Class for grouping activities or whole parts of a provenance graph
>   (of a workflow) together
> - When introducing this class we needed to allow multiple
> wasGeneratedBy-activities for one entity, though logically there should
> be only one "true" activity that generated an entity; but if activities
> can be grouped, then it must be allowed to have wasGeneratedBy-links to
> the activity-groups (ActivityFlow) as well
> * VO-DML representation
> - We are working on this. It seems that we have included many double
> compositions (at the relation-classes in between), which seem not to be
> allowed by VO-DML. We have to carefully check this.
> * Links to other data models
> - We have identified links with the Dataset Metadata Model, but we need
> to further investigate the other data models (e.g. SimDM)
> You are very welcome to join us and help/give advice on one or more of
> the points above!
> Cheers,
> Kristin Riebe, Mathieu Servillat and the Provenance Working Group


Laurent Michel
SSC XMM-Newton
Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 24 37
Fax : +33 (0)3 )3 68 85 24 32
laurent.michel at <mailto:laurent.michel at>
Université de Strasbourg <>
Observatoire Astronomique
11 Rue de l'Université
F - 67200 Strasbourg

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